You Are Your Best Protection Against Exploitation.
Photo by Mika Baumeister
As creatives in any of the entertainment industries, there’s always a desire make it big, no matter how long it takes, no matter how difficult the journey, and no matter how resilient you have to be after rejection. There is nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately, there are always some in power that looking to exploit that desire just because they feel they can get away with it.
If you’ve been paying attention to entertainment news over the past decade, you’ve been hearing about numerous victims of predatory entertainment industry bigwigs. The victimization has ranged from threats to blackball careers for not complying with sexual favors; involuntary drugging; sexual, mental and emotional abuse; threats of violence to creatives, their friends and families; to theft of services; theft of royalties; etc. They use their power, success, and connections to control, abuse and retaliate against creatives who refuse their advances, or refuse to be taken advantage of.
First and foremost, no job or career opportunity is worth losing your soul and self-respect over. Do not disregard your gut feelings.
BEFORE YOU AGREE TO A MEETING: If you are offered an opportunity to meet with an executive or other person in power about your creative skills and services, get all the details and do your research. Research the company, research the individual(s), Google search for any past negative news stories like past or pending legal cases, reputations, and any financial hardships.
PRIOR TO THE MEETING: If you’ve done your research, and feel comfortable about meeting the individual(s), get specific details beforehand about who all is expected to attend the meeting, the time, the place, how long the meeting is expected to last, and whether you will need to sign any documents. If there are any sudden changes in locations or times, ask why there is a change and reiterate the expected purpose and time the meeting will last. Either take an agent, manager, or trusted friend or family member with you to the meeting. If that is not possible, give someone the specific information and how long you anticipate the meeting to last. If you feel any trepidation or red flag, do not go to the meeting. There will be other opportunities that will feel right.
DURING THE MEETING: If you have researched the participants and feel good about proceeding with the meeting, make sure you take notes during the meeting. Make notes about what is being offered to you and in exchange for what. If you are not clear about anything, ask, and then make note of the response. Make notes of documents you have been given to review and sign. DO NOT sign anything without taking time to review it on your own, and making sure you understand every word and sentiment of the document. Do not be pressured into signing anything on the spot. Do not be pressured into drinking or eating anything. If you see anything that does not feel right, leave immediately. If anyone touches you without your prior consent, leave immediately. If you experience any red flag moments, leave immediately. This is not the dream opportunity you have been waiting for.
AFTER THE MEETING: Collect your notes from the meeting and summarize your thoughts about how you felt about the offer (pros and cons), how you felt about what would be required of you (what changes would you need to make in you daily/weekly/monthly schedule, other opportunities, competing offers, costs, what rights you have to relinquish, etc.), what deadlines you have for returning documents signed, and whether you need legal assistance in understanding what you are signing. Be kind to yourself and treat your talent with respect. Remain professional at all times and expect the same from others.
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